Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow Internet to see who they really are. —Will Ferrell

The humor in Will Ferrell’s quote, “Before you marry a person, you should first make them use a computer with slow internet to see who they really are,” lies in its clever use of a relatable, modern-day scenario to highlight the deeper, often humorous truths about human nature and relationships. This witty statement, much like many funny quotes, uses exaggeration and a touch of absurdity to shed light on the complexities of personal character and compatibility in a humorous and insightful manner.

The Universality of Frustration with Technology

Relatable Experiences

Almost everyone in the digital age can relate to the frustration of dealing with slow internet. It’s a universally irritating experience, and Ferrell’s suggestion to use it as a test of character is both absurd and amusing. This shared experience is a common element in funny quotes, making the humor accessible to a wide audience.

Exaggeration of a Common Scenario

Ferrell exaggerates a commonplace situation to comic effect. The idea of using something as trivial as internet speed to gauge a person’s suitability for marriage is intentionally over the top, poking fun at the ways we try to understand complex human behaviors through simple tests.

Revealing True Character

Stress as a Revealer of Traits

The quote humorously suggests that stress, even in its mildest form like dealing with slow internet, can reveal a person’s true character. It implies that someone’s reaction to this minor inconvenience can be a window into how they handle more significant challenges in life.

The Absurdity of the ‘Test’

There’s an underlying absurdity in using such a mundane test for something as significant as the decision to marry someone. This absurdity is what makes the quote so amusing, as it juxtaposes the trivial with the profound.

The Role of Humor in Relationships

Lightening the Complexities of Relationships

Ferrell’s quote, much like other funny quotes, uses humor to address the complexities of relationships in a lighthearted way. It acknowledges that understanding another person, especially in the context of a lifelong commitment, is challenging.

The Importance of Humor in Compatibility

The quote also subtly hints at the importance of humor in relationships. Being able to laugh together at life’s frustrations, including something as trivial as slow internet, is often a key component of a strong relationship.

The Cultural Context

Technology in Modern Life

In our technology-driven world, the mention of slow internet is instantly recognizable and relevant. The quote plays on this modern dependency on technology, humorously suggesting it as a barometer for personal compatibility.

Satire of Relationship Advice

The quote can be seen as a playful satire on the myriad of relationship advice out there. It mocks the idea that complex human emotions and compatibility can be distilled into simple tests or observations.


Will Ferrell’s statement, integrating the relatable frustration with technology and the absurdity of using it as a measure of compatibility, exemplifies the role of funny quotes in providing humor. It’s a light-hearted reminder that the small irritations of everyday life, like dealing with slow internet, can be moments of humor and insight into human nature. This quote not only makes us laugh but also prompts us to reflect on the deeper aspects of relationships and character, all while acknowledging the pervasive role of technology in our modern lives.